Monday 24 February 2014

HA5 Task 5

Reference Modelling

HA5 Task 8


I think that my robot creation overall went well. However, if I were to do it again there would be places I would improve upon. For example: I don't feel as if I fully managed my time I could have done a little more to get all of the theory work complete. That would have given me more time to work on the generation of my robot, there by giving me a better end product. Another thing I would improve on if I were to do this task again would be a different design of robot, although I did spend a long time deciding on what I wanted my robot to be and that the end product did meet my standard (in fact, it surpassed my standard) I feel as if it was a little plain and simple when comparing it to everyone else's work. This brings me nicely onto my next point. I had difficulty sticking to one design, the robot changed course completely about 3 times making it hard for me to fully concentrate on my robots production process. And, of course, each time I changed idea and started production again it was leaving me less and less time to go back over my work and add changes and improvements. At the end there was still things I wanted to do to the robot but, because of all the changing of ideas I had ran out of time. So I had to settle with what was done.

One other thing I would do differently next time would be to make sure I was practicing with the software I was using as much as possible, because during the making of this robot I found myself hitting hurdles because I had no idea on how to work the software which would take me, sometimes, entire lessons to overcome these issues. Which in turn made the production time less valuable.

HA5 Task 7

HA5 Task 6

Date: 10/3/14
I gathered images from the internet of different robots, so I could begin to generate ideas on what I wanted my robot to look like and do.  

Date: 13/3/14
After gathering images of robots, I made a template of what I wanted my robot to look like. Then I made a spider diagram of ideas of what I wanted my robot to do. I found this part difficult since creating one idea and sticking with it without drastic changes or a making a completely new idea isn't one of my assets. 

Date: 17/3/14 - 3/4/14
Once I had my initial idea devised and fully planned out I began creating my robot, below are the steps I took and it shows my robots development and how the general idea changed over time. You'll see how my idea and creativity generated new ideas and put them into practice.   

My first idea was to have the robot follow you around and allow you to regenerate your health, you know; because he's made of ice cream. I thought that this would be a useful idea to save people time when they get hungry, instead of going and buying some or wasting time going through your inventory to find something to eat, you can just press the action button on the robot and instantaneously fully refill your hunger/health bar. 

I started off by creating two balls and placing one on top of the other (making sure the first ball was considerably larger than the second). Using the multishift and bevel tools, I started playing around with the bottom of the first ball in order to make a cone (because of how and what I wanted from my robot). After that I made three more balls (all about the same size) and placed two of them (inline with each other) on top of the head, and the third was placed directly in the middle of where a persons eyes would be. One of my final steps in this design was making a cube and using the size and stretch tools to make it look like a cuboid. Once I'd placed my cuboid I pressed "Tab" in order to subdivide everything. Then finally, I added colour to my robot. I wanted to make sure that I didn't just use randomized colours, so I picked the colour pallet pacifically. I chose the white-ish blue colour for the body because that was colour I think of when imagining ice cream. The yellow/light brown colour for the cone because, well, that's the colour of cones! I chose pink for the head and black for ears along with orange for the backpack, all for the same reason. Because the colours clash and make the robot more appealing to the eye (in my opinion).        

My second idea was to have the robot follow you around and keep you company, it was something designed to keep you happy. I decided on making it look like a bear because bears are cuddly and, generally, considered heart warming. 

After the first design I ended up changing course a little bit (as shown in the paragraph above). I removed the cone and added arms and legs. I did that by simply creating four more cone like objects and attached them to the robot. The second change was changing the entire body to the colour of the original head. As well as, adding the outline of a face on the body of the robot (I added this to add to it's uniqueness) I also, changed the backpack on the back into a hotdog. Witch is designed to be a sort of jetpack. Making the hotdog required me to use another primitive shape (the cylinder) and the tools size/stretch. I put the original shape on it's size and copied it and placed it's copy opposite it. Then I sized and stretched the cylinder until It looked, remotely, like the shape of a hotdog and then placed it in between the two buns. After that, the only changes I made where in colour like making the colour of the hotdog realistic and colouring the face (on the body).   

Idea three. The overall concept for this model was to have it look cute and cuddly, but it's secretly a secret agent that works only for you. Whatever you wish, the robot does for you. 

For this design I changed a lot of things, for example: I added a tail using the same method as I did when making the cone, multishit it move it and bevel it until I got the shape I was happy with, then I added colour (I chose the colours black and yellow because they seemed to coincide with my already existent colour scheme quite well, although before I decide on these colours it was going to be pink). I changed the arms to a more sharp looking design to match my newly formed idea (This was a simple process all I did was press "Tab" with only the arms and legs selected to un-subdivide them). I changed the colour of the eye to red to match the eyes on the body; it also made more sense when taking my new idea to mind. I gave it panda like ears so that it resembled more of a bear like creature. I decided on giving it a mouth so that it would look more life like and real, I coloured the part of the face where the mouth would/should be located (not forgetting it's tongue). The last change the occurred in this design was, what's supposed to be, a mustache. To make the mustache I made a cube and and removed the front back and underneath polygons. I positioned it around the mouth, using the size tool to make sure it was a perfect fit and then I just coloured it green because I wanted it to stand out.   

This design is very similar to the previous design, only a few slight changes were made. Despite the robot looking simple and, too some, a little bland. Creating a robot that looked this way was my goal as I wanted something that wouldn't necessarily fit the description of a robot (I wanted something that wasn't your average generic looking robot, I was trying to create something different and unique.) 

Only two things changed in this design. I removed the hideous green mustache and gave it an eyebrow instead. Making the eyebrow made me use the following tools: Move, Size, Stretch and bevel. I created a cylinder and sized it until it was big enough to fit over the eye. Then, I stretched the ends and moved them upwards. The last thing I did was bevel the center until it bulged up slightly.  

HA5 Task 4