Monday, 24 February 2014

HA5 Task 8


I think that my robot creation overall went well. However, if I were to do it again there would be places I would improve upon. For example: I don't feel as if I fully managed my time I could have done a little more to get all of the theory work complete. That would have given me more time to work on the generation of my robot, there by giving me a better end product. Another thing I would improve on if I were to do this task again would be a different design of robot, although I did spend a long time deciding on what I wanted my robot to be and that the end product did meet my standard (in fact, it surpassed my standard) I feel as if it was a little plain and simple when comparing it to everyone else's work. This brings me nicely onto my next point. I had difficulty sticking to one design, the robot changed course completely about 3 times making it hard for me to fully concentrate on my robots production process. And, of course, each time I changed idea and started production again it was leaving me less and less time to go back over my work and add changes and improvements. At the end there was still things I wanted to do to the robot but, because of all the changing of ideas I had ran out of time. So I had to settle with what was done.

One other thing I would do differently next time would be to make sure I was practicing with the software I was using as much as possible, because during the making of this robot I found myself hitting hurdles because I had no idea on how to work the software which would take me, sometimes, entire lessons to overcome these issues. Which in turn made the production time less valuable.

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